The importance of a consultation
The reasons why getting a ‘blind’ quote for hair extensions is a bad idea...
Keeping in mind that Great Lengths extensions can be a little expensive, as most items of quality are, clients tend to call the salon asking for a blind quote on the product. We do not offer such quotes, which at times can frustrate potential clients. While it is natural to want to know how much this little venture will cost you, you do need a detailed consultation when looking to have Great Lengths hair extensions.
A blind quote given over the phone considering inaccurate information can cause terrible results. Inaccurate information will lead to an inaccurate quote, which is uncomfortable and disappointing for both parties. In addition, most blind quotes given out are too high, as salons do not pitch less in case it will cost them more. This is an awkward position for both parties in question.
However, a consultation is worth your time and in our salon, is given out for free. We do this so that if you are looking to get a quote, you can establish the price once we have considered all of the factors. We can then give you this information and rest assured, you will not feel pressured in any way to purchase the services or product. A consultation is the best time to get as much information as possible, so try to get all the questions you have out of your system and we will educate and inform you along the way!
To help you out, we have listed a few things the quote is mostly based on, so you can understand why you must be there in person for an accurate quote:
- The density of your hair. Assessing the density of your hair allows us to see the size of the extension we will be placing in your hair. Hair that has less density needs a ‘fine’ or ‘micro’ strand while a more dense hair type will require a ‘standard’ strand.
- The size of your head. A count is needed to assess the size of your head so that we can match this when placing our extensions. If you have a small head, you will need less hair and similarly, people with larger heads require more hair.
- Length. Both the length of your own natural hair and the length you are wanting to achieve need to be assessed. Keep in mind that the actual length of your hair matters just as much as thickness does. If you have short hair and wish to have longer hair extensions, more hair will be used in the process.
- Lifestyle. Your lifestyle may not be conducive to Great Lengths extensions. If you swim regularly in chlorine or partake in other activities that can break down the structure of the bond, we will not recommend Great Lengths hair extensions for you.
While we understand it can be hard to find time within your busy schedule, we hope you can now see why a consultation for your new extensions is in your best interest.