Why Great Length Extensions?
Great Lengths hair extensions are the leading hair extension on
the market, globally and right here in Perth Australia. But what
makes these extensions a hit above the rest?
Hair Extension specialist, and WA educator Renee Yates says
“each step in the Great Lengths journey, from the source through
to the salon, celebrates a story of social responsibility, innovation
and artistic creativity”. Making this product completely unique in
so many ways.
The journey of what we see today started in 1990. The concept
was actually derived from the textile industry, taking inspiration
from the heat transfer system which bonds fabric together on a
molecular level.
Great lengths started testing this method, and later adapting to
hair extensions. This process was focused on creating and
patenting a method that molecularly bonded extensions to the
natural hair with the aim of an extremely resistant but gentle
attachment. Which is why this application is so gentle,
undetectable and essentially damage free to the natural human
GL Production Process
We are extremely proud that all the hair sourced for our Great
Length extensions is only from verified temples in India where the
donors willingly give up their hair in a process called ‘tonsuring’.
The temple then sells the hair to Great Lengths and the funds are
put towards the community. This transaction is direct, 100%
traceable and ethical.
The virgin quality hair is sent to Italy and is tested under an
electron microscope to ensure it has never been dyed, bleached
or chemically treated in any way. This ensures that clients are
receiving only the best quality of hair.
The hair is not only virgin quality, but the process ensures the
extensions only consist of Remy Hair. This is when each bundle of
hair is sewn onto fabric strips to ensure the cuticle is facing the
same way and there is no way the hair can matt or tangle, giving
you the highest durability of the extension.
Over a series of days (up to 28 for the lightest blonde), the hair
sits in osmosis baths where the colour molecules are gently lifted
out the hair; no bleach or nasty chemicals are used in this
process. This is a Great Lengths exclusive technique to ensure
the hair has no damage.
After depigmentation, the hair is recoloured with dyes used on
the most delicate cashmeres. Each colour is mixed and blended
by hand to result in fade free vibrancy.
With the hair in pristine condition, shorter pieces are removed so
that the volume at the roots is the same as at the ends, often
referred to as Double Drawn. There are no uneven pieces
therefore there is no need for a client to purchase as much hair to
gain the full effect of volume from roots to ends.
In the final stop of the Great Lengths Journey, the journey before
it arrives to us in salon, is the adding of the hydrolysed keratin
bonds. These bonds have the flexibility to expand and contract
with water, just like your natural hair. This prevents any pinching
or slippage on your natural hair.
Great Lengths extensions aren’t raved about for no reason, and
we wouldn't want our clients to walk away with anything less
than the quality that is GL.
Book your consultation with us today.