Dreamy Blonde Colouring Explained
You know us well for our elite hair extension application, and expertise in customised Great Lengths hair extensions, but Renee Yates Hair Extensions also offers premium colour service and hair care.
Our beautiful Julia is an expert in all things dimensional blondes. Her primary focus in the salon is foiling and blonding techniques. Today Julia has broken down the four ways we can achieve your dream blonde:
(High dimension)
This weave is used for that strong colour pop. It adds dimension too your blonde meaning that some of your natural color is seen throughout your hair.
This is a great technique to add dimension to your hair if you want to visibly see the foils and not have a blanket all over blond.
(High coverage, Moderate dimension)
This technique allows blonde coverage and dimension, best of both worlds.
You will see variation in tones between your natural colour and the highlight.
This technique creates a beautiful blended multi-tonal blond and is perfect for those wanting to blend their sparkles (greys). ✨
(High coverage, Less Dimension).
This weave is for those who want the brightest blond, as most of the hair is placed into the foil and minimal natural hair is seen.
This technique takes the most amount of time as I take fine sections and place LOTS of foils. If you’re wanting to go as bright as possible or have a big change this is the weave for you.
(Soft grow out, Less dimensional)
I usually always place microlights around the hairline as it gives brightness around the hairline while still being soft.
Microlights around the hairline stop the dreaded tiger strip look when you pull your hair back. This technique grows out beautifully and gives you that much desired brightness around your face, sometimes referred as face framing foils.
But don’t worry, you don’t have to remember these when you book your foiling appointment, we know exactly what application will be best suited to you based on your desired outcome and hair type.